To get ready for MCAS, we've been studying a new genre:  Poetry.  We read LOTS of different types of poems, picked out a few favorites, and started analyzing them.

The time has finally come to write some poems!  First we thought about our favorite color, objects that are that color, how they move, and how our color makes us feel.  We wrote the nouns (objects) on yellow paper, the verbs (movements) on blue paper, and the emotions (usually adjectives) on orange paper.

The results are short pieces that have so much going on so quickly that they can make the reader feel like they are dreaming! 

4/1/2013 01:20:30 am

thank you Mrs.Thomas for puting my thing on the web

Mrs. Thomas
4/1/2013 06:57:08 am

You're welcome, Daniel! The way you put the words together for your poem was interesting; especially when you read it out loud with repetition.


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