3D Blocks Count contains 3 dimensional puzzles to solve.  You'll get a rectangular prism (like a cube, but with rectangles, not just squares) that looks like it's made out of pop cubes.  You have to figure out how many pop cubes make that figure, and type it in the box.

Number Block has puzzles to solve too, but they are 2 dimensional.  It shows you a picture of a figure that is build out of blocks.  You need to assemble the same exact figure as the picture.  Your blocks have numbers on them to help you know the exact sizes, even though the given figure doesn't have numbers. 

I hope you all had a great winter break and you're ready to get back to school on Wednesday!

1/4/2013 08:00:24 am

Hi mrs.thomas it me Anh I on my iPad and i love the pop cub did you make it

Mrs. Thomas
1/5/2013 02:12:48 am

Hi Anh,
No, I didn't make the pop cube designs in the picture; I found the photo online. :) Maybe you can try making the same designs during indoor recess! By the way, did you try either of the games?

1/8/2013 07:49:21 am

Yes I love it ,it really cool


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