Now that you've had some practice underlining those parts of the text that are related to an Open Response question, you need to explain how they answer the question.  To do this, you need to use transition words that connect the author's words to your ideas about the question.

Can you complete these sentences from the BFG using transition words on the dotted lines to connect evidence to the ideas?

1.  The BFG confuses his words .................... he says ________ and ____________.
2.  Sophie does not miss her life in England .................... she ________________.

Can you complete these sentences from the BFG using transition words on the dotted lines to connect the ideas to some evidence?

3.  The BFG  ______________ Sophie .................... he hides her from the other giants whenever he has to go past them, and he warns her to never leave the cave without him.

4.  Sophie is ________________ the BFG  .................... she tells him that he gets his words mixed up, and she says at first that she doesn't believe he can hear dreams.

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