For those kids who would rather study by reading the posters we made in class instead of replaying the video tutorial, here they are!

To change a mixed number to an improper fraction, remember:  Multiply then add.

If you multiply the whole number by the fraction, you'll see how many fourths there are if you have 3 pies cut into fourths.  The answer is 12 fourths.  Add 2 more fourths, and you get 14 fourths.

There are a few different ways to change an improper fraction to a mixed number.  Method 1 is a long explanation, and method 2 is a shortcut, but they actually use the exact same steps.

Method 3 is the more traditional way to change 11/3 to a mixed number.

Which way do you use to change an improper fraction to a mixed number?  Answer in the comments below. 
Many poems use comparisons and other descriptive details to help the reader imagine what the poet is writing about.

One type of comparison is a simile.  Those Geiko ads use funny similes to make you remember them.  They compare funny things to how happy their customers are by stating, "Our customers are happier than..."

Can you remember any of their similes, or write your own?  Answer in the comments below.    

We have been reading about a pair of controversial characters:  Cara and Mr. Winston.  Not all of us agree who is the "good guy" in the story, "Dear Mr. Winston."  That's because in realistic fiction, there is no good an evil.  There are characters who have positive attributes as well as character flaws.  However, we can form opinions about which character we like better!  

Who do you like better, and why?  Answer in the comments below.

This term we've expanded our social studies vocabulary.  We've been learning about how bodies of water are each different.  Here are some bodies of water that are found in the Southeast Region.

Have you ever visited any of the bodies of water above?  Answer in the comments below.  

Different bodies of water are distinguished by their size, shape, and whether they have salt water or freshwater.  Some bodies of water have other special attributes, such as tides and currents.

Have you ever visited any of the above types of bodies of water?  Do you remember the name of a lake, pond, or river you have been to?  Answer in the comments below.  

Fraction bars can help you understand what fractions look like.  However, another great tool to use for mixed numbers (a fraction with a whole number) are number lines.  

The VERY IMPORTANT thing to remember about using number lines, is you need to count the spaces between 0 and 1 so you know what the line is divided into! 

The question above asks you to find 1 1/2.  What is the line divided into between 0 and 1?  What is the denominator of all the fractions on this number line?  Answer in the comments below.   

Since the Southeast Region has such a different climate from the Northeast Region, they have different natural resources!

Oranges, cotton, and sugar cane all grow best in the warm temperatures found in the Southeast Region.  These crops would not survive a cold frost.

Which of these natural resources do you wish we had more of in the Northeast Region?  Why?  Answer in the comments below.